At Robinsight, we strongly believe in using data in an honest, transparent, and trustworthy manner. As caretakers of EROAD's vast dataset, which contains information about the everyday actions of regular people, we fully support and abide by the five principles outlined in the Data Protection and Use Policy.


He tāngata - Improving people's lives

Our project aims to benefit our communities by providing data and insights to transportation authorities and promoting data-driven and insightful discussions on transportation policies.  We strive to contribute to better societal outcomes by using data ethically and conducting research to drive meaningful change. We believe in the power of purpose. Every piece of data we collect has a clear reason behind it. We ensure that our data collection and usage align with our mission to provide insightful solutions for our clients. We respect the purpose behind every piece of data.

Kaitiakitanga - Data stewardship

Kaitiakitanga is integral to Robinsight's work.  We acknowledge our powerful access to private and commercial datasets and understand the responsibility to respect and protect this data, using it for good ethical purposes.  We aim to build and maintain trust with data providers by being transparent about our processes, methodologies, and capabilities.  We foster an environment of trust and collaboration between government and road users.

Mahitahitanga - Partnership

We believe in working as equals to create and share valuable knowledge.  By collaborating with stakeholders, we aim to collectively imp outcomes.  We can lever’.  We can leverage diverse perspectives and expertise to drive positive change through partnership.

Mana Whakahaere - Empowerment

We empower individuals by giving them choices and facilitating access to and use of their data and information.  We recognise the importance of enabling individuals to control their data and providing opportunities for them to make informed decisions.

Manaakitanga - Respect and dignity

We deeply respect and uphold the mana and dignity of the people, whānau, communities, or groups who share their data and information with us.  We prioritise protecting privacy, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring data is handled carefully and respectfully.